Sunday, May 31, 2009

Crazy Weekend

So, for the weekend, we went to an anime convention called A-kon20. It was a whole lot of fun.

One thing that scared me there was the following story.

On Sunday morning(early morning), Bingo and I were Elevator Hopping with a guy we met who was really cool. While waiting on the 11th floor for him to come back, a guy was on the balcony, and a girl came by and went out to talk to him. Things didn't go well, and the guy completely ignored her. When he left, and had apparently gone back to their hotel room, the girl stood still for a few seconds, and then started to get up on the ledge. Bingo was drawing and wasn't really paying attention. As soon as the girl started to turn around, I ran over there, and tried as hard as I could to convince her to get down. She was bawling, and bawling, and bawling her eyes out. After lots of "Come Down"s and "It'll get better"s and "Everything will be okay"s and hugs, we finally got her to get down. We talked to her for a while , and learned her name(Crystal), age(20), and why she was about to do what she nearly did. Apparently, her boyfriend had threatened to leave her without a reason, and was being a jerk towards her. While walking her back to her room, she said "He's not a bad guy, he's just in a bad mood." We got her to her room and the guy was just sitting there. Watching TV. Like nothing mattered to him. We stayed on the floor, just sitting where we were when we were waiting for Kent, the guy we were elevator hopping with. After about 10 minutes, we walked back down to the room, just to check on them. We heard them arguing again, and it worried us. I knocked on the door, and the girl came out. We made sure everything was okay, and found out that the guy was mad that we got involved. We gave her our phone number, and room number, and told her that if anything happened, for her to contact us. We went back to our own room, told my sister what happened, and had her call security to go up there, and every few minutes we'd leave and go back to floor 11 to check on her, and there were no security guards at all. On our way down from floor 11, she came into the elevator with us. We took a walk around the hotel in search of something to eat. Everything was closed, but the walk was refreshing. We walked her back to her room, and went back to ours. She texted us a "Thank You" and said that there going to talk it out in the morning. In the morning, we got a text from her saying that everything was alright, and that we had nothing to worry about. And from there on out, according to Crystal, everything is okay now. I'm really glad I payed attention.

That's what happened. Scared the crap outta me. I am SO glad I stopped her.
I mean, there were little kids down there.. I would be petrified and...Paranoid for the rest of my life. Having someone commit suicide inside a hotel, where everyone can see you..

That's just not right..