Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Terrific...yet tiring Wednesday

Today was a great day! At school we had a lot of work, but it was worth it! Because we got to chat/ play around a little when we were done. Anyway, my friend was pulle dout of school, but he comes every tuesday and friday for music class because we're doing a play and he's in it. He came today for dress rehearsal after school. I chased him 'cause he hasn't emailed me in a LONG time. Plus, he didn't come to music class yesterday. After that wild goose chase, I had to go to soccer practice. I have soccer at school. So, since the Play cast was rehearsing in the gym, we had to practice outside. We got tired faster 'cause it was hot, yet windy. So it took more strength to keep the ball away from the "End Points" as I call them 'cause of the wind. Other team won with a point. Then my mom came to pick up me and my 2nd coach( he helps my actual coach with practices), which is my uncle. So, we dropped him off and headed for Walmart. It was a little detour through the Veggies and Fruit section. Then we got the stuff we needed, checked out, and left. We dropped our family friend off at home, then went home ourselves. I sat and watched TV for a hour or so... And here I am now! Listening to songs on the computer while posting stuff on my blog. Well, see you l8ter!

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