Friday, March 28, 2008

Sad...yet happy Friday

The only sad part about today was that I told most of my friends I'm moving....I told some yesterday...But I told the rest today. And I found out we're not moving too far. Yay!!

Yesterday during computer my friend showed me a picture. I thought it was cool...Here's the picture.<<<<<
So....yea. I like fact that he has STRAWBERRY MILK. So...yea...
The happy part of today was that my "Mortal Enemy"(as she puts it) and I are now good friends. I promised her that I would try my best not to get mad at her. Or anything else. So...yea. We're friends now. This made me very happy.
Today my friend Shelby got mad at me because yesterday I played a prank on her during lunch. I took her book while she was at the microwave. And I decided to see how long it would take for her to notice. She never did. Then, during last period I thought I would give it to her after school. I forgot to. And then this morning I ofund the book. I was mad at myself. When I got to school....Yes, she was very mad. But she forgave me.
So yea....thats how my day went.

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