Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wonderful Thursday

Today was amazing! Sure, we had a mock math test for the first 3 periods but...That payed off! 4th period was cbm(computer based math), and every week we have to take an online math test. But, today, the ENTIRE class argued about having a math test after a mock math test. So, he didn't make us take a test! Then was lunch. Which was really funny. My friend kept saying funny things and I laughed so hard I nearly choked on my food. Then, after school, my friend Brian sent me and email with the human triangle me and my friends made during P.E. on Monday. So, yea, today was awesome. Later on at home, my friends Johnny, Brandon, and Leasandro(who hardly comes over) came over and we rode our bikes and, this little girl stopped me when I stopped at the stop sign where I had to turn around. She was 7 years old and her name was Emily. She and her sister Katlyn are really cool. Katlyn's 14. They're both awesome. So Emily came and rode her bikes with us while Katlyn did other things. They both commented on my hair. It made me happy that people liked my hair. Anyway, today was magnificent!

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