Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fun, tiring, freaky Sunday

Today we went to Trader's Village, very fun, but VERY tiring. We got a new rabbit...Un named yet..I got a cool purse..Then when we got home, I rode my bike, and after a little while, the ice-cream truck came by, we got ice cream...of course.... Emily(my new 7 yr old friend) came over. Her, Johnny, Brandon, and his brother Luis, ane me all played around. After a while, Luis had to go home. Brandon still played. Then, I started pegging everyone on my bike, up and down the got tiring...But fun. Then, I fell off my bike I was so tired. I fell in the field of course. I just layed there for a second and thought of things that were happening around me. I was born on halloween, so I thought that maybe, all the haunting in our neighborhood, was after me...Silly thought I know....I was brought back to my senses by Emily....We all went home. Johnny took Emily home, since I couldn't, and Brandon went straight across teh street.(Since thats where he lives) So, I came inside, ate dinner, and got on the computer...I got a few emailes from Daisy(my friend). And so I emailed her back. Well, now I'm going to go play around alittle on zwinky.

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