Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Half Fun Tuesday

The only fun part of today was that I played on zwinky for a bit. The boring part was everything else.Today was a good day though. Nothing really happened at school, my friends are still commenting on my hair(which I dyed red). My one friend keeps asking if she can borrow my earrings. I keep telling her only if she brings the nail polish she promised I could use 2 weeks ago. Another fun part of today (which I just remembered) was that my 3 friends from school brought a bunch of beanie babies to school. I got to "baby-sit" the one sailor bear called Breezy. It was fun. Today could be fun/boring/ nothing at all! It was a mixture of stuff. My friend, Shelby, has a collection of books called "Vampire Kisses". Its a great series. She let me read part of book 4 today. Awesome beginning. As I said before, Nothing really happened today. At this moment, I am listening to music and being happy. Well, my friend on zwinky is waiting. Shouldnt let her wait too long!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Very interesting...